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Covid 19 January update

I'm pleased to say that I am able to remain open for treatments during the new lockdown restrictions. As a health service Acupuncture may continue following safe and secure Covid guidelines. Please read below the steps that I have taken to make my practice Covid secure:

Covid-19 Clinic guidelines

These are the steps I have taken to be Covid secure and I ask you to please read them before coming into clinic:

1 Treatment times will be staggered to avoid any cross over with patients and to allow time for cleaning and airing the treatment room between patients.

2  All soft furnishings in clinic are now disposable or wipeable to ensure they can be disinfected between treatments.

3. As has always been the case I will clean my hands with hand gel prior to any physical contact and again immediately after. I will also provide patients with hand gel to clean their hands on entering the clinic.

4. Please allow me to open all doors for you on arrival and exit. This will reduce the risk of crossover but rest assured that all door handles are disinfected after each patient.

5.I will be wearing a mask throughout your treatment. Patients also will be asked to wear a mask on arrival and throughout treatment. You can bring your own masks from home or I can provide you with one.

6. Tongue Diagnosis. To help minimise risk I will not be asking to look at patient’s tongues for diagnosis during treatment time. Could you please instead take a photo of your tongue and send this via email or Whatsapp prior to your treatment. This will immediately be deleted once transcribed to your confidential notes.

7. Toilet facilities The Toilet facilities will remain open but please may you wipe down door handles, taps etc after use with the wipes provided.

8. Symptoms of Covid: PLEASE DO NOT come into clinic if you have any symptoms of COVID19 including a fever, persistent new cough or loss of sense of smell/taste. If you were to develop any of these symptoms having been in for treatment please contact me to let me know and follow the Government guidelines for self-isolation.

9. New government guidelines mean that I will require renewed consent from all clients. I will provide you with a COVID19 consent form before your appointment to complete and sign.

I have carried out a full risk assessment in order to provide a secure environment but if you think of anything else or have any questions in advance of your treatment do get in contact.

Anna Dennis Acupuncture​

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